Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Manila City vs. Manila Envelope

Today I was wondering to myself if manila envelopes were named for the city.

Here is the answer:

The ubiquitous and sturdy office folders owe their name to manila hemp or abaca, a type of fiber that comes from a relative of the banana plant. Commonly used for ropes, paper products, and coarse fabrics, manila hemp is indigenous to the Philippines and gets its name from the country's capital.
Abaca was first introduced in the West in the early 1800s and was primarily used for cordage. Until stronger synthetic fibers were invented, abaca was the primary source for marine ropes because of its strength, water-resistant properties, and lightness.
Today, those same qualities make it the perfect ingredient for durable paper products like currency notes, high-quality writing paper, and of course, the stack of folders sitting on your desk.


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